Brand Monitoring
Brand Monitoring Stay One Step Ahead in Protecting, Monitor and Secure Your Brand!

Trademark Monitoring is a critical process to prevent unauthorized use of your registered trademark by others with similar or identical names. Trademark monitoring service monitors new trademark applications, informs you about applications that may be similar to your trademark and ensures that the necessary opposition processes are initiated.

When applications filed with the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office are not continuously examined, others may register a similar or identical trademark to your trademark. This may have a negative impact on the recognition and image of your brand. Thanks to the trademark monitoring service, you can prevent possible infringements by keeping your trademark safe.

By working with our expert team during the trademark monitoring process, you can proactively manage the protection of your trademark. Trademark registration is just the beginning; the most important thing is to actively monitor your trademark after registration. In this way, you can protect your trademark against similar threats.