Focus on your brand and leave the patent work to us!

Realize your innovative ideas, focus on the growth of your brand and complete your patent applications with confidence.

Focus on your brand and **leave the patent work to us!**
0+ trademark applicants since 2010

Trademark Solutions

Intellectual Property RightsUSA Trademark RegisterPrices starting from $455

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Intellectual Property RightsInternational Trademark RegistrationPrices starting from $500

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Intellectual Property RightsBrand Tracking MonitoringPrices starting from

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With MarcaBien

The Brand Protection You Need is Always With You

The Marcabien brand is just one of the advantages that stand out, offering one-stop shopping as well as worldwide coverage. Wherever you come from, our team of experienced trademark lawyers is ready to offer a seamless experience and effective end-to-end trademark protection while proudly representing you worldwide.

What's Different

in MarcaBien?

Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment

Free lawyer check within 24 hours

Scope of Services
Scope of Services

Registration, litigation support and trademark monitoring

Registration Process
Registration Process

Simple online and online 3-step process

What's Different

Global branding services and support

Scope of Services
Scope of Services

Registration, litigation support and trademark monitoring

Success Rate
Success Rate

Your brand is safe with us with 95% success rate

How does the

Process Work

Preliminary Research
Preliminary ResearchResult in 24 HoursFree Lawyer Check

In order for a trademark to be registered, it must meet the distinctiveness criterion. Results and advice within 24 hours.

Application Form
Application Form3-5 Day ProcessApplication Drafting

After completing the order, we will draft an application. Once approved, we will file it on your behalf, providing legal representation.

Official Review
Official Review3-12 Month PeriodIPO Exam

The application is evaluated by the relevant Intellectual Property Office (IPO), published and approved for possible objections.

Registration and Certification
Registration and CertificationRegistration Completed10 Years Validity

After a successful registration, your trademark is valid from the date of application and retains the right of priority throughout the process.


What Our Customers Say

The satisfaction of our customers is more important to us than anything else. In order to provide you with better service, we care about your experiences and feedback.

Ayse Yilmaz
Ayse YilmazCEO & Founder
We realized our trademark registration process with Marcabien. We received a fast and reliable service. Thank you.